Judges Instructions

On behalf of the Southwest Utah Sterling Scholar Committee, we wish to express appreciation to you for accepting our invitation to be a judge at the Southwest Utah Sterling Scholar Awards Competition.

Before the Event

You should see an email from “sterlingscholar@deseretmgt.com” inviting you to create your account to the judging portal on March 20th. This will allow you to start reviewing and scoring the student portfolios. It is not necessary or required, but you may print them. If you print the portfolios, please shred them or bring them the day of judging for us to safely dispose of.
Please take some time to review and preliminary score each schoars portfolio prior to April 3. These can be changed later if you wish.
Please be sure to log in to the portfolio here before the event to make sure there are no technical difficulties.

You will be contacted by SEDC with more instructions by March 20th.

Day of the Event
The day’s activities have been scheduled very closely, and time is an important factor in making these events a success.


You can park anywhere on campus and you will not be ticketed.

Campus Map

Click here to access

Internet Access

Please follow the instructions linked here.

9:00-11:00 AM Judges (optional)

Please join us in the Starlight Room on the top floor of the Sharwan Smith Student Center to meet with other judges, review portfolios and ask questions. Tech support will be available. This is an optional time for judges who would like to meet as a group to review and discuss the portfolios prior to interviews.

11:00 Judges Welcome and Lunch
Please arrive at the Starlight Room in the Student Center by 11:00 AM for check in and a brief orientation. We will be serving boxed lunches from Jimmy John’s at 11:30.

12:15 PM-Judges escorted to Interview rooms

12:30 PM-4:30 Interviews
Interviews will begin at 12:30. Each interview has been scheduled for (10) ten-minutes, with a (5) five-minute interval for review and evaluation.

4:00-4:30 PMDeliberations

Judges to complete final scoring and return results to the Starlight Room, you may give the envelopes to the door timer to deliver.

The Awards Program will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the AFLEC (Centrum) Arena. You are cordially invited to attend this event, though it is not required.

If you need further clarification or have any questions, please feel free to call Joe B Wright at (435) 689-1705 or email at joeb@sedck12.org
If you need any technical help. please contact Chris at chris@sedck12.org
Again, thank you for your assistance with the Sterling Scholar Program.